Who doesn't know about Christmas? Literally everyone knows about Christmas but do you know that it isn't really a joyous holiday?The delicious cookies,Santa Claus etc how can this not be a fun holiday? or is it all lies? Today i will be exposing the hidden secrets of Christmas.
It all started in the winter season. The people that lived in higher altitudes like in Norway, would celebrate the winter solstice and in that time there was a period of no light for 24 hours! Can you imagine that?Its cold and dark and you cant see a thing! There were people dying from the cold and had got mysterious diseases. At least from one family one person would die.
So when the sun finally starts to come out, the people see it as a life giving force.And also at those times there were many ceremonies were held in the Northern country's.For example there was the Bacchanalia in Ancient Greece for there god Bacchus the god of wine and play.The Romans had the Saturnalia for there god Saturn there mane sun god. When they held there ceremonies they lit bonfires. The fire was really important as it represented the light.
While all of these the things were going on there was one tree that could live through all the cold, the Evergreen tree or the fir tree.The people in some cases would take the tree believing it had life giving powers , they put it in front of there houses or did bonfires. They would make mistletoes.They believed that the mistletoe would keep them safe from the cold.In Islam it is called Taweez an amulet of some sort.
For hundreds of years there were secret cults.......And there was a man. He was mysterious character his name was Mithra . He was supposedly the sun god. It is also said that he died from the peoples sins. He was born on December 25th. Sounds very familiar doesn't it?
The nature worshiping people and the christian created a mixture.And the result is the holidays that the Christians celebrate nowadays.When the artists or sculptures draw Saturn or Baccus they usually draw him as a heavy set man with a long flowing beard!In the Sistine chapel Michelangelo drew him on a sledge a man with a long white beard, the sledge was drawn by flying snakes!This man is coming out on December25th and he is performing miracles.
None of this has anything to do with Christianity. Its the time of the Bacchanalia and the Saturnalia.This man is representing rioting fun.People now are not even thinking of Isa ( AS)! They are just finding ways to be drunk!It also went so far that it was banned all the way to 1647!
And the most important character Saint Nicholas!In the Scandinavian the name Nick or Nicholas is known as a demon!The people there would tell there children that if they went outside at night Nick would come to get them!In Germany they called him Pelz Nickel meaning the furry devil.They depicted him as a red furry devil.
The poor children nowadays are taught that a man would come through there chimney and give them presents. Saint Nicholas has nothing to do with Christianity! The poor father who toiled all year to give them the the present has no credit at all.Can you believe this? They don't even think about Jesus!They do this just to get drunk! How is this a merry holiday?
It is a great story sister. May Allah bless you and keep it up.